
Thursday, 13 October 2016

Poem about addiction.

Image result for drugs drawingScreenshot 2016-06-07 at 11.47.07 AM.pngScreenshot 2016-06-07 at 11.47.22 AM.png

Some drugs are good
Some drugs are bad   
Most people get addicted
That's when they get twisted.

When your life starts to rely on drugs
That’s when you have to pull the plug
But when your brain is still wrapped around it
That's when you will feel like you can’t live without it

When you take a drug you might love it too much
But when you have no drugs
That’s when you start to go crazy
And hate your family and get lazy

When your friends are addicted to Drugs
Help them in any way you can don't act like a thug
Because they've been bitten by the addiction bug

Never get addicted
Because you will become a victim
So think positive and never get addicted
Because it will ruin your whole body system!!

This was developed by: Angel & Limi


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